Friday, September 18, 2009

Prince Edward Island

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This is the view on the Confederation Bridge that connects Prince Edward Island with New Brunswick. It is a toll bridge. You don't pay
going to P.E.I., but coming back it costs $42.50 Canadian. It is curved because it's supposed to be safer so you don't fall asleep. It is also higher at one point--I suppose to allow tall ships to pass under.

Here we are in Anne of Green Gables Country!

Mmmm Chocolate.

Randy trying to be a dairy farmer

This is Lovers' Lane. Of course, we had to go walk it--we're lovers.

The famous green gables house. It is now a national park.

Then we went to the beach. Pretty cold when Randy has to wear a polar fleece vest.

They have lots of sand dunes here.

The sunset coming home. Of course, I missed the best pictures because I didn't think about taking a picture until it was almost over. I know, I'm slow.

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