Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Friday, September 18, 2009
We traveled to Halifax and attended the 6PM temple session. The Halifax Temple is pretty much like the Montreal Temple.

No one around to take our picture together.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We drove the "Lighthouse Route" along the coast, but the only lighthouses we saw were in people's front yards, but we saw some beautiful scenery.

This is Hirtle's Beach.

We found a charming restaurant in Liverpool where Randy had mulagatawny soup (which we have never seen except in our restaurant) a lobster club sandwich, and mussels I had scallops and we shared a delicious bread pudding.

Liverpool harbor.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We attended the Sackville Ward and found an old neighbor of Randy's--Brett Johansen.
Some of the members told us we had to see Peggy's Cove so we drove down and finally saw a lighthouse.

As you can see, it sits on granite.

No one to take our picture again!

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