Monday, September 28, 2009

Boston, Mass

Friday, September 25, 2009

We attended the Boston Temple. It is beautiful! We were running late so this picture was taken on the run. After the endowment session, we were asked to do some sealings with some young adults from the Providence Rhode Island Stake. None of them were married, but they all were very impressive. The sealer was wise and imparted some great words of wisdom to all of us. It was a very enjoyable evening.
Now that it gets dark earlier, we need to start attending some earlier sessions so we can get better pictures after.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

We drove to a subway station and parked the car. We then rode into Boston on the subway and started walking on the "Freedom Trail".

We toured the USS Constitution which is the oldest war ship still commissioned. It is staffed with sailors dressed in old uniforms that would have been worn during its many victories (33 & 0) defending our country.

At several stations on board, the crew would tell us stories about the ship and life on board--like when a sailor would hit his head on the low oak beams below deck, the "doctor" would drill a hole in their temple to relive their headache. They really did a great job sharing lots of stories.

One of the park rangers told us the place to have "chowdah" was at the Warren Tavern. We found the tavern which was established in 1790. It was the best clam chowder we have ever had--even better than Randy's. A cup of chowder is served in a cup--actually a big mug. We also had dinner there and it was good too.

Then we walked to Bunker Hill and saw the monument. The museum was closed though. We walked back to the subway station and road back. It was really crowded now--I don't think I could ride it on a regular basis.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It started raining during the night. It is really loud on the roof of the trailer. Especially the big drops that fall off the trees. We went to the Littleton Ward. It is a big ward and it was their fast Sunday. They had two babies blessed so the extended families of the babies were there too, so it was almost standing room only. We had excellent lessons and were spiritually edified. Then we returned home and watched the General Relief Society Conference on the internet.
Monday, September 28, 2009

We had to go to Salem and learn about the "witch hunts" in 1692.

Then we went to the Minute Man National Park and learned about the start of the Revolution on April 17, 1775.
This is the Hartwell Tavern which was right on the battle path. Two women rangers, dressed in historic dress, gave us a demonstration on how a flint-lock gun worked.

Then we went to the North Bridge in Concord where "the shot heard 'round the world" occurred--the start of the Revolutionary War.

Minute Man Statue (front).

Minute Man statue (back)

The North Bridge.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Canadian Road Signs

These are some of the unusual signs we saw in Canada.

We are so used to seeing deer signs that these moose signs were quite a change.

Then we kept seeing this sign along the freeway in Nova Scotia, so on our way back through, we just had to check it out to see if it was for real.

Well, it was for REAL!
Pretty yummy!

Cabot Trail

Monday, September 21, 2009
We left Halifax and headed toward the Cabot Trail. The highway we were on was pink! I know the picture doesn't do it justice.

We dropped the trailer at an RV park and drove to the Cabot Trail National Park.

Lots of Acadian heritage displays. I hope I'm not this WIDE.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Friday, September 18, 2009
We traveled to Halifax and attended the 6PM temple session. The Halifax Temple is pretty much like the Montreal Temple.

No one around to take our picture together.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We drove the "Lighthouse Route" along the coast, but the only lighthouses we saw were in people's front yards, but we saw some beautiful scenery.

This is Hirtle's Beach.

We found a charming restaurant in Liverpool where Randy had mulagatawny soup (which we have never seen except in our restaurant) a lobster club sandwich, and mussels I had scallops and we shared a delicious bread pudding.

Liverpool harbor.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We attended the Sackville Ward and found an old neighbor of Randy's--Brett Johansen.
Some of the members told us we had to see Peggy's Cove so we drove down and finally saw a lighthouse.

As you can see, it sits on granite.

No one to take our picture again!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Prince Edward Island

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This is the view on the Confederation Bridge that connects Prince Edward Island with New Brunswick. It is a toll bridge. You don't pay
going to P.E.I., but coming back it costs $42.50 Canadian. It is curved because it's supposed to be safer so you don't fall asleep. It is also higher at one point--I suppose to allow tall ships to pass under.

Here we are in Anne of Green Gables Country!

Mmmm Chocolate.

Randy trying to be a dairy farmer

This is Lovers' Lane. Of course, we had to go walk it--we're lovers.

The famous green gables house. It is now a national park.

Then we went to the beach. Pretty cold when Randy has to wear a polar fleece vest.

They have lots of sand dunes here.

The sunset coming home. Of course, I missed the best pictures because I didn't think about taking a picture until it was almost over. I know, I'm slow.