Sunday, August 9, 2009


Friday, July 31, 2009

We made it to Nauvoo in time to see the pageant!
Before the pageant we saw Sunset on the Mississippi. It's a musical put on by professionals and missionaries serving in Nauvoo. It was excellent too.

We met the Prophet--All Is Well, All Is Well!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We awoke to rain. There was a vingette that we wanted to see called the Trail of Hope. Some of the cast members from the pageant are at different stops on lower Parley street which leads to the river. It is the route the saints took to leave Nauvoo. At each stop, the actor relates a story about the saint they are playing. It was very touching and spiritual.

At the end of Parley street is a statue of the Prophet Joseph and Brigham Young and also a memorial to all those saints who lost their lives on the way to Salt Lake. The walls inside have all the names of those who died listed.

Next we went on an oxen ride. Gab is on the left and Gary is on the right.

Then we toured the Seventy's Hall which is like a missionary training center. Elder Thorsted is doing the training. We saw the visitor's center until it quit raining and then started touring the different restored homes and businesses. That night we saw "Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo" in the cultural hall before we saw the pageant again. It's put on by the missionaries too.

Those in white have passed away.

After the show, we met Emma Smith and Brigham Young.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
We slept in and went to the 2:00PM ward because it was the full meeting block.

Monday, August 2, 2009
We went to "Just Plain Anna Amanda" in the cultural hall which was a really cute play for kids--we're kids--just big kids. Afterward we went to the Temple. A very special experience. After the session we saw Joseph's sword which had been framed and hung on a wall in an office. We also Mary Fielding Smith's apron framed and hung. There was a man's apron framed too, but we don't remember whose it was. Also, keys to the original temple in frames.

This is a statue across from the Temple of Joseph and Hyrum as they are leaving Nauvoo for Carthage.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We tried to finish up the buildings that we hadn't seen yet. Then we loaded up the trailer and we off to town to do laundry. We met a nice couple in the laundromat that gave us some pointers abount Adam-ondi-ahman and Haun's Mill. Then we drove to Carthage, but got there too late for the tour of the jail.

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