Our trip to the Manhattan Temple was truly guided by the Lord. We left Connecticut about 11:00am to drive to a subway station where we would ride into Manhattan to attend the 2:00pm Temple session. I entered the station address in the GPS and it said we would arrive there at 1:30pm--not enough time to get to the 2:00 session. We decided we would therefore have lunch and attend the next session at 6:00pm.
When we arrived at the station, there was no parking garage and no place to park to ride the subway. Our only option was to drive to the Temple. I entered the Temple address in the GPS and we proceeded to drive into Manhattan. We found a parking garage about a half block away from the Temple. The sign said, "First 1/2 hour $30"! Oh well, we were there! We made it in time to attend the 2:00 session!
When we finished the session, they asked us if we could do some sealings for them. Of course, we said we could. Then after, we rode the elevator with the Temple officiator that conducted the endowment session and was a witness to the sealings we did. We talked about where we were all from and he stated that he was from southern Alberta, Canada. We stated we had family in Calgary and he asked their name. We told him Sabey and he replied his wife was a Sabey. His wife was Randy's uncle's cousin. He invited us to meet his wife.
We went with him to the Church-owned apartment building next to the Temple. They had an apartment on the 14th floor. We met his wife, Liz, and then he took us up to the roof of the 37-floor building.
Greg & Liz Strong
The angle Moroni from the roof.
Central Park behind us from the roof.
Views from the roof.
Greg gave us a map and instructions on driving through Central Park. We picked the car up at about 6:00PM afraid of what it was going to cost. We presented our ticket and the attendant said we owed $35! Great!!! Another tender mercy. We tried to drive through Central Park, not knowing they close the park to vehicles at 6:00PM. The second entrance we tried to drive through was open only far enough to gain access to The Tavern on the Green restaurant so we had dinner there!
After dinner, we went for a carriage ride around Central Park. If was pretty cold, but it was so romantic.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The water tank on our trailer was trying to fall out and the Sunny Brook dealer in Connecticut couldn't take us for two weeks. We located a dealer on Long Island that could see us today so we drove onto Long Island following the directions GPS gave us. We ended up on an expressway that was for cars only! The police pulled us over and asked how we had gotten so far on the expressway with our trailer since there were low overpasses. The police had to stop traffic in order to get us and a Rider truck off the expressway. Luckily, he didn't give us a ticket--another tender mercy. After our trailer was fixed, I had to get us off Long Island without the help of GPS and not go into any tunnels or back on that expressway. By the time we reached New Jersey, my neck was stiff and I had a tension headache. We stayed the night at a RV park in New Jersey.
Friday, October 2, 2009
We drove to Liberty State Park in New Jersey and boarded a ferry to take us to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.
Liberty's old flame--it leaked.
Views from the pedistal.
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