Thursday, October 22, 2009We drove to my daughter, Erika's, house in Douglass, Kansas just outside of Wichita. We arrived late at night so we pretty much just went to bed. Friday we went grocery shopping so Sienna and Marriah (my granddaughters) and I could cook all day Saturday. We made smoothies for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and for dinner these cute little mice baked potatoes, a fish dip for fruit kabobs (it looked like a fish), sweet and sour chicken, and raspberry cheesecake. We were in the kitchen all day long--great fun.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
We went to Church with the "fam". They have a very nice ward and we enjoyed all the meetings. Erika took us with her to the New Family Search class which Utahns didn't have yet.
Monday & Tuesday, October 26 & 27, 2009
Erika wanted me to help her design and plant a perennial bed. First, however, we had to amend the soil. Here we are hauling bales of peat moss to the hill where the bed would be. Then the four of us (we enlisted the help of Randy and her husband Rodney) put five front-end loader loads of mulch through their chipper-shredder and spread it on the bed. Rodney then used the tiller on their tractor to till everything in.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Now we had to select what plants we wanted to use. Erika has her own nursery--sort of. Rodney bought all the plants at a closeout.

Now we had to haul all the plants to the hillside.

Next, we had to place the desired plants where we wanted them for our design.

Now the planting begins!

The kids came home from school and had to check out our progress.

Alas, it started to get dark and the rain started.
Erika would have to finish the planting without me.